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Thursday 29 December 2011

Junior Salwanians: ROCK ‘N’ ROLL CARNIVAL- ‘A Sleighing Ride’

Junior Salwanians: ROCK ‘N’ ROLL CARNIVAL- ‘A Sleighing Ride’: On Saturday, 24.12.11, Salwan Junior public school, Naraina, c...

ROCK ‘N’ ROLL CARNIVAL- ‘A Sleighing Ride’

On Saturday, 24.12.11, Salwan Junior public school, Naraina, celebrated its ‘Winter Carnival’ with great enthusiasm and gusto. The whole school was wrapped in the beautiful themed-decor of red, white and green. Parents were welcomed by the children dressed in colorful attires and costumes. The function started with a glimpse of children’s class activities, outings and other programmes in the school hours through a presentation. Thereafter another visual treat awaited the guests which was an Exhibition, of children’s art and craft followed by enticing paintings and crafts made by parents as well !! Well decorated reindeer-pots, balloons and stars made the angelic view even more beauteous.
Children’s performances were in queue afterwards. First a child spoke about the entire function celebrating the happiness in the festivals and the gifts they receive. Carol singing was next in the pipeline with the youngest lot of the school choir welcoming everyone with their melodies. This was followed by 2 continuous Dances, each in hollywood and bollywood styles. In the finale, the entire group of children, parents and teachers went out of the school leading the carnival into the open lush green lawns. Merry making and carol singing was the main highlight of the parade. In the end, every child was given a gift, wrapped in bright red stockings- a token of love and appreciation from the school.
Everyone enjoyed and appreciated the captivating programme along with the hardwork of the school team, which got the entire family of salwanians together, celebrating the happiness of welcoming New Year ahead.

Monday 26 December 2011

Importance of Teamwork for Children
A child learns all about teamwork first from his/her parent. So when parents exhibit healthy partnership, kids catch on. How, parents deal with conflicts, problems and even anger is copied by the children. When the children see them communicate through problems and work together to resolve them, they learn a valuable lesson for life. Schools and athletic meets are a few more places where children should be encouraged to work as a team and set objectives to achieve goals.

Perhaps the greatest advantage of working in a team is to learn early in life to trust, learn to take risks and bring out leadership qualities. Importance of teamwork in education depends upon the way education is being imparted. Educators who encourage students to work collaboratively on academic projects and at the same time stress upon competitiveness will promote teamwork as well as leadership skills.
-    By Dikshita Chawla, V-A


Everyone of us are blessed with strengths and weaknesses of different kinds.  It means that we alone cannot be good performer in all the things we are to do in life and do have to work with others to cover-up our or others’ weaknesses.  This is what the Management Guru – Ryunosuke Satoro said :
 "Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean."
This coming together of two or more persons is called making a team and their partnering in doing of a task is known as teamwork.
"Teamwork is the ability to work together towards a common goal.  It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results"
As the saying goes, "Two heads are still better than one." To come up with the best decision or the best output, efficient teamwork is needed for which the respective members of the group must find out how to collaborate and cooperate with others.
This is what Henry Ford, the founder of Ford Motors, the US Automobile giant had to say :
"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success."
Collaborating and cooperating means 'fitting oneself in the team'.  This requires respecting the different abilities, shortcomings and behavioural characteristics of various members of the team.
Working together all the time sure is taxing, but there is a reason why teamwork is emphasized upon at every stage of our life.  This also does not mean that individual talent and skills will lay to waste without teamwork, it won't. What teamwork does is to build one's personal skills.  Consequently, if the outcome turns out to be a success, of course the whole team also reaps the rewards.
“In life we succeed as individuals but we do much more when we work as a team.”

Sabinder Kaur


If I Were..

if i were a doctor 
i would treat my patients with speed faster.

if i were a teacher 
i would teach my students with all my features.

if i were a engineer 
i would discover a machine to hear. 

but now i m a child of class five
and i want these dreams to come true and hive.

Divjot Kaur


Why do people make , make children cry,
Why do they let them die ?
Why do people don’t see their innocence,
Just want to test their patience.
Why do people leave their children on footpaths,
And enjoy themselves in shower baths.
Why do people give birth to babies,
To give them work instead of nappies?
They do such things because of their greed,
Not even looking at their children’s need.
We are lucky we go to good schools,
And our parents are not such fools.
But those who do such things will grow old and remember,
That once we had a child and we let him die of hunger.
If he was still alive, he would be taking our care now,
But we killed him, we wonder how our minds became so greedy HOW!
Aarushi Govil

Human Being is a social animal

“God cannot be everywhere, so he created parents as his replica”. Parents are like potter who mould their young children into proper shape and form.
According to very famous lines of Shakespeare “All this world is a stage and each individual play a definite role in his life span. Life’s vicious circle keeps on going on. Each individual is different from other. Same way parents also have certain function to perform. Parents who are both working have different attitude towards life where as mothers who are housewives have a very kind, caring attitude towards their children. Stress level of today life’s problem is big problem for every individual and everyone tries to solve the problems with their personal touch in a dignified manner.
Naman Khurana

Tips for studetns

1 Pray a while everyday.  God loves you and blesses you each day. Spare a few moments everyday to spend with him.
2 Always start your day with a positive thought. Let past be a lesson which happened for good.
3 Believe in yourself!! You are a storehouse of talents. You can move mountains. Never give up.
4 Be kind and empathetic to others.  The amount of love you give to others comes back to you doubled up.
5 maintain good health and take good rest. Eat balanced diet and avoid junk food.
6 Keep yourself well groomed. Take good care of your hygiene. Wear clean and tidy clothes. All this adds to your confidence.
7 Imbibe good values. Respect your elders and respect their advice.
8 Respect time and utilize it fully. That does not mean you have to run around all the time. Invest time in the activities you like.
9 Be happy and contented in all situations.
10 Learn to be a learner always. Learning never stops and continues till one reaches the last breath of his age.

Sapna Khanduja