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Sunday 4 March 2012

My Trip to Agra

My trip to Agra was very exciting and interesting, though it was my last trip in this school. 
The previous night before the trip I was so excited that I could not sleep. Next Morning, me along with all my friends assembled in the school by 5:30 am and stated our journey by bus. On the way we stopped at 'Dabchik Dhaba' for yummy breakfast. We first reached 'Akbar's Tomb' and explored it from inside and outside. We were very tired by the time we reached the hotel- 'Hotel Mansingh Palace'. We freshened up and rested for a while in our room and then went for the lunch in the hotel itself. After lunch we went to see Agra Fort which was very big. We all did little shopping at the emporium near the fort. I bought a small murti of Lord Ganesha in white marble. We were very tired of walking so much hence after taking dinner in the hotel we all slept soon. Next morning we all packed our belongings and got ready for our visit to Taj Mahal. There small shops in the hotel from which we did shopping before leaving the hotel. I bought a camel key chain, a Taj Mahal key chain, a small hand-made paper diary, etc. We had our breakfast and started our journey for Taj Mahal. As we reached Taj Mahal I was amazed to see the beauty of it, as it was sparkling white. We saw the artificial graves of Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal. There were beautiful gardens infront of Taj Mahal. We clicked lots of photographs there. Afterwards we went to purchase Agra's famous petha. Soon after lunch we set out our journey to Delhi. We arrived school at 9:30 pm and waved goodbye to our friends and teachers.
It was really an exciting trip and I learned to be responsible for taking care of my belongings.

Aarushi Govil - VA 
    (Head Girl)