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Saturday 24 May 2014

‘Joy of Giving’ programme – newspapers for the FAMILY OF DISABLED

We need to teach our children to give away their things so that they turn to be compassionate and humble adults and the world is a better place to live. 
To develop this habit among our students we have tied up with an NGO ‘Family of Disabled’ headed by Mr. Rajinder Johar, whose honourable work was also appreciated in the program Satyamev Jayate. This NGO helps the disabled people by giving them wheel chairs, tricycles, hearing aids, crutches, etc. To help them, ‘Joy of Giving’ activity has been introduced wherein students of all the classes are motivated to bring two old newspapers from home on every Wednesday and put them in the box provided in the school.  The van from this NGO comes and takes these newspapers from school.
These newspapers will be either sold as scrap and the money used for supporting their cause or made into envelopes providing employment to the disabled and later these envelops will be sold in the market generating money to provide wheel chairs, loans, children’s education of disabled parents, etc.
In these times when we as well as the children feel stressed doing something nice at the end of the day will help us and our children to be peaceful at heart. So, we have jointly started this effort and hope it would be a successful one. It is a very small token to part away with and to introduce our children ‘Joy of Giving’.
If you further wish to know about the the NGO ‘Family of Disabled’ you can take a look at their website
As it is rightly said,
Before giving…the mind of the giver is happy;
While giving…the mind of the giver is peaceful;
Having given…the mind of the giver is uplifted.         -Buddha